Monday, March 29, 2004

Try to understand

A friend of mine has been trying to unravel the mystery of why men cannot understand women. Oh alright - its Neha!! She has been blogging away to glory about how men (in general) can be so ridiculous and how she does not understand why they dont understand women (?). The real question is - why bother? If you are a straight woman then you like the people with facial hair, adams apple and the ability to pee standing and if you are not, well then you know what you like.

Men dont understand women and quite frankly- women dont really understand how men can be so simple to understand (if you get what I mean). Men's lives seem to be about sport, food and sex (usually in that order). Womens lives seem to be about gossip, weight loss and sex (usually in that order). So lets put this in perspective for one and all now. Men dont really bother to understand a woman's psyche even though they pretend to when they say things like - "oh, i bet thats a women driver..*after overtaking from the left* seeee?? its a woman, told ya!! told ya!!" And women think they know all about psychology and hence dont feel the need to understand much of the gibberish men keep spewing at us...

Hence, the point I have been trying to make all this while. Dont bother with trying to understand why men do what they do, how they can pee standing or whatever else that may seem mysterious. Just adore them (not the ones that pinch you in the bus - slap those ones real hard please) and let them be. This is my theory on human relationships *to be read like Forrest Gump when he says "lai-ayf is lai-ayk a baux auf chocolates"* - Humans are like dogs. Give them affection and they love you too. Umm yeah... thats it.. you can leave a comment now.

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