Tuesday, March 23, 2004

He is an Englishman settled in Germany....

She said to me after the presentation I had earlier today. "Ooooh! Ooooh!! Do you think he knows this blogger that I know.. well err.. yeah.. never mind..." 2 seconds later- "Neil Armstrong.. ring any bells yet??" I was dying to ask and then showed incredible self-restraint and did no such thing. I must say I was quite proud of myself for not running back and asking and then upon finding out that he does know German for Beginners, I would have had the pleasure of saying - "what a small world!" But I suppose Germany is a hop,skip and jump away from England (at least on the map) and who knows how many Englishmen there are in Germany.

It turns out that the man was the global hr head of a large german multinational and seemed quite passive during our presentation. Maybe it was the jet-lag. I always blame passivity (is there such a word?) on jet-lag. Actually, I blame almost anything on jet-lag. Stupidity is also a characteristic I often blame on on jet-lag. Like the time some people asked me if everyone in India lived in airconditioned homes just like the hotel they were staying in... uhh yeah... "mostly yes, give or take a few MILLION!!"

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