Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Call me

I dont understand it at all. In general, I am not a terribly popular individual. I am not barraged with calls on my birthday and though I like to believe that I get calls from people who enjoy my company all the time there are really only 3 people who call me regularly - Re, Ma and Fido. Apart from these my phone constantly rings for the following reasons:

1. Wrong numbers
2. Clients with problems
3. Wrong numbers
4. Clients who are problems themselves
5. Wrong numbers

Right, so that about covers it. And the few calls I get, I get them ALL at the same time. Strangely, the 3 people that do call me, seem to think of me at the same time as I think of making an official call at work. Brilliant. So I have no missed calls as long as I do not talk on the mobile. As soon as I make/ receive a call on my mobile, the 5 nanonseconds that I talk to someone will have at least 7 people try to reach me.

It is therefore hard for me to explain to people that I am, in fact, not so popular. It is not that I am costantly on the phone, but that people are constantly ONLY calling me when I am on the phone. Get it? Its almost like karma.. like God telling me - "you wanted to use a phone, so use it now, use it!! Use it!! Look at it ring like that annoyingly while you are on another call..." Yeah, God can be quite mean sometimes I think.

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