Been a while
Wow! Feels like forever since I last wrote something on my blog and suddenly it feels like I have lost the touch. My life is now a mediocre spectre for people to ignore. I want to be famous, I want to be rich. I didnt realise that my dreams required work. Dammit! So given how lazy I am, I decided mediocrity was it. No more waking up everyday with a smile on your face, ready to face the world in the hope of glory that will be attained some day. Today, I wake up to the idea that work is what pays the bills. Weekends are what I live for. And before I get even more depressing (as if that is possible right now), lets talk about the weekend.
The boyfriend was out of town this weekend which meant socialising would be done alone. Err... well the question that then arises is - if you are socialising, how are you alone?? Fair enough and I wont bother with mystical deep-rooted questions like that but head to the activities of this weekend. Saturday was pretty much a blur for the following reasons:
1. I had many many beers for many many hours on Friday night
2. Do we really need a second reason people?
On Friday I realised I dont think I fit in with any bunch of people that I go out with. In celebration (or mourning... I lost track of which after the 3rd beer), I decided to have beer. I was not alone in my plans, as it turned out. My colleagues decided to head out for beer and fries by 6.30pm which is decidedly early by any stretch of imagination - at least at my workplace. So we sit around and polish off a few pitchers of beer after which I head to the suburbs only to go out for more beer - this time with dinner. And if you are thinking that was the end, you are mistaken. Post dinner (and beer) we headed to a club for (say it with me now) more beer.
Naturally, I dont remember much of Saturday except for dessert with cranky cousins who are trying to lose weight (because you remember how it is when you are 15 and think the world looks so thin and you are soooo fat... wait a minute, I still feel like that 10 years later - and STOP calculating my age with those numbers people !! Aaargh!!). Sunday was the air show. The Indian Air Force flexed its muscles while sweet Iteeva, who is all of 2 years old, screamed "blue blue" as we watched the planes draw a heart in the air with blue smoke. Fabulous stuff darlings, you really had to be there.
Its a pity the weekend had to end, but I was glad because this time it meants a fabulous week ahead because Fido was headed back from the Ashram. As it turns, out I was right. The week is just into Tuesday and I am having a rollicking (this word has not been used since the 1930s Iin my estimate) time. Its always great to have the boyfriend around you know. Headed to Delhi day after tomorrow... watch this space!
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