Monday, January 24, 2005


I have returned as a married woman to the world of blogs. Congratulate me people! My parents threw some fabulous parties - thank you! And it has to be said that we looked gorgeous even though my boy was gripped by jaundice. Fortunately it was not a very bad case of jaundice and the colour yellow is considered supremely auspicious by Hindoos. If my father was around, he would now tell us what wonderful good luck it is that he has got jaundice at the time of the wedding. But before I tell you the story let me tell you about the OFFICIALS at the wedding of a lifetime (at least for me :)):

The Official Grumpy: My oldest and somewhat-mistakenly-known-as-funniest friend did not get sleep for over 24 hours prior to the wedding. Several tequila shots later, she was still grumpy as ever sitting in one corner and lamenting to anyone who bothered to go near her that she felt very lost. Grumpy is as grumpy does (?) and hence she was named the official grumpy for the rest of the wedding.

The Official Vicks Inhaler Provider: Shoving Vicks Inhaler up the brides nose during the henna/mehndi session is not a pretty task, but yet another of my oldest friends did it with elan. Not only that, every morning when I woke up with a blocked nose for reasons nobody can decipher for me (perhaps it was the fact the temperature refused to rise above 12 degrees centigrade!!) and Uma cheerfully provided relief in the form of the inhaler- bless you!

The Official Runner-Arounder: That was my best friend running around like a mad person trying to make sure my wedding was perfect - and it was! Anytime the bride, or her mother or her father or... well.. the entire family needed anything we screamed out for her and she would come running to our rescue. Never mind the fact the for all the running around, she decided to drive around Delhi on the evening of the ring exchange ceremony for a few hours before reaching the venue despite the presence of an appropriately positioned map in the co-passengers lap even!

The Official All-Photgraph-Presence Person: Another friend of mine seems to have sidled her way into most photographs (especially if she was not meant to be there). As we scanned through the 742 photographs in the days after the wedding and all the parties, a strange phenomenon was observe. T was is practically ALL the photographs and she was not being subtle about it! She was looking right at the camera and smiling in the background...

The Official Punjabi Music Provider: When the family felt lost for traditional punjabi music (because my brother and I kept hiding it), she provided an endless supply of music from her place. It was as if she had been hoarding this music for this exact situation! So just as we thought we had hidden all the music, she would bring out some more!!

The Official Packer-Upper: Pretty bows and golden tissue roses were crafted for all the gifts that were eventually opened by severe tearing as the people we gave them to (such as me) were too impatient about finding out what was contained in the wrapping). Our sweet neighbour of 20 years, who we had never spoken to until the wedding appeared to wrap things and claimed she was tense about wrapping everything properly. Thank goodness for psychotic behaviour like that or everyone would have gotten gifts thrown at them in polythene bags given how worries we were about the wrapping!

The Official Must-Have-Crying-at-the-end-of-the-Wedding-Person: My mothers oldest and bestest friend decided that everyone must cry and even organised a ceremony for it. The perfect end to any wedding is a bunch of women in a lot of make up crying and trying hard not to ruin their make up... thanks Neera Masi!

Just remember - there's nothing official about any of this!

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