21 days...
She emerges 21 WHOLE days later. There is one blog less to read everyday now - Neil has quit the world of blog and I have no idea how to find him. Bummer!
I wanted to write so much about the wedding but have forgotten about it all now. Weddings are positively exhausting and if you are considering a beautiful wedding - please stop wondering how the day will be for you. Just think about how the day will be for your parents because honestly, I think we dont elope only for the sake of our parents.
I can remember laughing hysterically at the mehndi but I cant remember why...
I can remember that Re, Divya and Preeti got lost on their way to the Shagun reached some village on the outskirts of Delhi (I exaggerate, of course) and cant imagine why that would be so hysterical...
I can remember telling the guy at the gate who refused to let me in on my wedding that I was the bride and he MUST let me in...
I can remember (in fact I can still hear) my dad saying "oh what a wonderful sign... very good omen this is" for every little thing like broken glasses, rain, broken plates, some more broken glasses...
I can remember my brother aiming flowers so they would be stuck inside my spectacles....
I can remember endless "folk" punjabi music that none of the young people seemed to want to hear, except for Preeti who not only wanted to listen but had an endless supply of the music as well...
I can remember feeling bad that my friends were too shy to put up a performance a-la-Monsoon Wedding for the wedding, but then I suppose they are too cool for this stuff you know...
For all this remembering, I now see that I looked FAT on my wedding. The photos are fabulous except for an enormous double chin that seems to be attached to my face. Really a pity but I suppose its my own fault for not bothering to think that gobbling up large amounts of food without a git of exercise might actually make me look FAT (not actually have me put on weight.. no no, for thats impossible! I will never put on weight.. I will just look FAT.. perception is reality they say).
For a wedding that had the Prime Minister of the country visit, I surprisingly 'HAD' NO friends in this godforsaken city (Neha is back now). While I could go up to the premier of this country and generally ask him to have a drink with me every now and then (NOT), I do feel like I dont have anyone to hang out with who is less than twice my age in this city. My Saturday social events (and dont hold your breath about this.. no really) are now reduced to dinner at "the club" to relive the era of The Raj with liveried waiters who take forever to see you wave frantically and bring you blueberry cheesecake from an age gone by... ah the life I always imagined I would lead - dressed in my shiny best with my most prized pearls around my neck and some rotting blueberry cheesecake! The good life is here to stay!
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