The Monday Club has been dissolved. After much enthusiasm and a few hundred pitchers of beer, the members felt it was too expensive and having fewer pitchers of beer was not an option. Furthermore, going out on a Monday was too much of an effort for the ageing members (an of course I dont include myself in this group).
Arrgh! My one opportunity to rule the world has been trashed! Dashed! Thrown to the dogs!!
Meanwhile, one of my best friends has fallen in love and cant get enough of it. Its like she is on a drug! So nice and yet I want my little space - as her favourite person, the one she couldnt do without talking at least once a day to - back. I want it back, you hear me young man? I am, of course, very glad for her but I already know she will get married and move to a land where the timezones are strange. Its like the country likes being awake when one is meant to sleep! I already lost one friend to a foreign land, another one leaves in a few months with her husband (London is snatching my friends away, give them back I say!!) and this one may leave in another year or so... Bah!
In other news, I have a headache that refuses to leave the warm and cosy place between my skull and my hair..... I am off to kill the headache or myself with immediate effect.
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