Moving on to Paris!
So we left London safe with the knowledge that we can pretend to have visited the Buckingham Palace what with the picture of the solitary guard at the Tower of London. We were almost delirious at the idea, in fact (at least I think I was because I remember my lovely husband having a conversation with the London taxi driver on our way to the airport about levitation.. or meditation and maybe even sex... yes I think I was most definitely delirious at the time).
It was a short (and also cheap) flight to Paris. We would have loved to take the chunnel but it was a most expensive alternative to the cheap flight that makes you walk to the plane from the terminal (on to the tarmac and all) and walk right out when you land to the terminal (on the tarmac and all). Its a wonder that the passengers do not wander off to watch flights land and take off from up close... I think thats EXACTLY what these flights try to avoid by scheduling them at un-godly hours like 4.30am in the morning (or is it night still....)
So we landed into Paris and took a train and as soon as we walked in a man with the accordion was playing the French national song (you know that music that immediately reminds you of France, even though you have never been there? Yes, thats the one). How sweet... I tried not to notice all the ugly buildings we went by on that train, and the grafiti that adorned ALL the walls EVERYWHERE until we reached the center of Paris. As a result, until we reached the center of Paris, I wondered if some very rich delusional maniac had pronounced it to be one of the most romantic cities of the world only to be followed by all our delusional media and hence the popular delusional notion.
But as soon as we emerged into the center of Paris.. close to our hotel, I was awestruck. I had never seen so many gay people all at once! Apparently, we had booked ourselves in the "gay" part of Paris. How appropriate! It is after all Gay Paris! Cafes with rows of gay men appeared to be inviting us to sit and watch other gay people walk by.... Fabulous stuff dah-ling!
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