Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Panic Attack

The following events today have led me to believe that the world, as I know it, is coming to an end. Doomsday is upon us people.. run, hide.. only the slimy shall survive (ref: cockroaches can survive nuclear bombs). Okay okay, for the more impatient among us let me tell you what has happened today:

1. Neil did not blog today
2. Firdaus did. My boyfriend is unhappy and I have no clue what to do
3. Silver Tassles cant have sex for a week (?)
4. Pramila's blog has disappeared (??)
5. Sarah feels like her life is ordinary and is coming to terms with the idea that she may not be president one day (as am I)
6. Nina's written in a language other than English (or Hindi, which to be honest I didnt really expect her to be fluent in anyway despite Sarah's efforts to educate the world on words like gori and others that will not be mentioned on this blog for their unparliamentary nature)
7. A very good friend (also one of the most attractive women I have ever met) - whose blog link I cannot put here for she wishes to remain secret - thinks she is "invisible" around men
8. I am at work still... its 10pm and I dont see myself leaving before 1.30am AGAIN.

Only 8 reasons you say? Rather significant reasons I would say. No nuclear bombs you might add.. no sign of violence.. and yet, I would argue, a sense of nothing being right today. Maybe its just today... and maybe we should all seriously consider hiding in underground bunkers NOW.

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