Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I am in Bahrain on work. Thats what they told me when they sent me. I have realised though, after 2 days of finishing work before lunch followed by hectic socialising that the definitions of work are different across cultures. For instance, in Bahrain, a terribly hard day would begin at 8am and end at 4pm. I like this culture.

I think the people here are exceptionally friendly and the guards hand you the passes in a very endearing fashion by calling out to you as "ah, my friends, here are your passes". Come on now, you have to admit that is endearing.

What is not so endearing is the fact that when you hand in some dollars to exchange to Bahrain-y money, all you get is what appears to be pocket change (given the coins they hand you as well as 2-3 seemingly low denomination notes). Bah!! We are used to handing in dollars to the guy behind the counter and getting large wads of notes in return, making us feel like the king of the world, much in the same fashion as my good friend Leo felt in that ghastly movie called The Titanic. This is unjust!

I have also realised in Bahrain that my photography skills are somewhat lacking (to say the least). As a result, most pictures I have taken are blurry and only show the fact that I missed the actual subject due to my excited waving of arms while taking said photos. However, I am not ashamed of my lack of skill and am therefore willing to allow you to ridicule my horrific photo-taking skills by viewing them here.

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