Thursday, May 06, 2004

And then...?

Its a perfect coversation filler. Its between that and "aur bata"? Thats when I usually know there is nothing left to be said and the conversation must be ended immediately or severe boredom must be tolerated. Severe boredom is not an option really for me. As a result, usually I rack my brains quite frantically to come up with original conversation starters like "ummm.. errr... yeah... so like... ummm... whats up?" This usually has one of the 2 consequences:

1. The other person walks away in sheer disgust
2. The other person walks away in sheer disgust... yeah thats the same as the other one. Surprised? Really??

Either way, it works well for me I think. I am the queen of sucky conversation. Beat me at it, I dare you.

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