Sunday, June 20, 2004

"Suck"ara and Set Airlines

So given my experience traveling with various airlines to satiate my hunger for better butter chicken every now and then, I have decided to write a scathing (yes you read it right) post about "Suck"ara Airlines. The names of the airlines have been changed for obvious reasons (besides, I really do like these names better).

So on reaching the airport, heres the difference between "Suck"ara and Set airlines. You will glide through baggage screening and check in with even a person to help you out with your baggage in case you struggle with it openly (as is usually the case with me). "Suck"ara believes in harrowing its passengers from the moment they enter the airport. As a result, post baggage screening, all the baggage is tossed to one side and you must run around with your trolley and hand baggage to find your bags and then get into serpentine queues. If you dont have enough luggage already, they will hand you a large packet of candies. This will also help you put on weight for the flight so you can fit into the seats more snugly. Rather nice of them, no?

Oh well, so you ignore that and get on to the flight with "Suck"ara and realise that if you fall asleep even by mistake they will wake you up to feed you juice, or just for the fun of it by saying "excuse me, would you like anything?" Nice work. Set airlines is different in this aspect. Their airhostesses only wake you up to feed you. Bleddy damn I say, we need service even when we are asleep dammit and I am glad "Suck"ara is there to see it.

However, the most glorious bit about "Suck"ara is the way its pilots land. Its almost a different religion. They make you believe in God, in fact. As soon as the pilot announces descent into the city, he also decides (though he does not anounce it) that its time everyone woke up from their dreams and came right back into the harsh reality that they are in fact thousands of miles above earth in a tin instrument with wings. So he bounces all way down for some 15 mimnutes. Yes, my dear readers, he BOUNCES all the way to his landing. Fortunately though when the wheels touch the runway the plane itself does not bounce off it. Its really a work of art! Set airlines is rather boring on the other hand. The pilot announces the descent into a city and allows you to sleep. He obviously has no interest in your religious beliefs. He obviously has no interest in waking you up either because you wake up only when the flight lands then... good lord. How boring I say.

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