Tuesday, May 25, 2004

The Delhi-ite

My boyfriend is not from Delhi and there in order to educate him, I send him information about the characteristics of the breed of people that emerge from this city. There are a species in themselves and I have studied them for years (having been one myself does help). Yet another bit of an email I found I had sent him about the characteristics of Delhi-ites. Learn from this- ye who have not encountered the creatures yet:

In Delhi, if you are from any of the 4 southern states, you are a madrasi. This odd naming convention is not as funny as one would think because those who come from Kerala, Andhra and Karnataka definitely do not appreciate such behaviour, not to mention the good ol' tamil person from a town other than madras itself. And yet, the thick skinned Delhiite continues to call all south indians madrasis... out of some evil sadistic pleasure. The Delhiite, I have decided, is quite a unique creature. I shall keep you posted on its characteristics as and when they reveal themselves to me.


In other characteristics while I am at it is the staring. I never realised how conspicuous this habit is. Men in Delhi stare at women. No no, these dont have to be hot women, or even scantily clad women. Just women in general I think, get stared at. In Bangalore, the lecherous ones are few and far between and looking back at them immediately makes them back down. The Delhiite on the other hand, stares right back thinking its some form of vindication that the woman/girl may actually like what she is being stared by. Herein lies the problem. Making faces does not help, neither does digging in your nose (apparently in some cultures, this is actually sexy and it seems we have some of those cultures residing in the unique habitat known as Delhi). The best thing to do is complete avoid eye-contact and let the starer find the next suitable prey (usually the girl in the next car). As Alanis said- you live, you learn.

Ah, how I love being back in Delhi. More on that soon...

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