Gym Instructors
Have you ever noticed how gm instructors come up to you just as you start doing warm up exercises at the gym? "I think you should try this exercise instead.." And so from my usual head-spinning-shoulder-spraining routine I start a new one. "Yes yes.. now do this 10 times". But I already knew some warm exercises!! Why do I need to know more?
Having been through such instances a few times in my life, it came to me like a tire-burst in the middle of the highway. Gym instructors like to teach you THEIR OWN warm up exercises. If you have some of your own, they suspect that some other gym instructor may have taught you those and we cant have any of that in THIS gym!!
Having begun with my theory you may have now realised that I have actually started going to the gym. Primarily to lose some of the excess weight I have put on in the last 2 years to the point that people have now started calling me fatso! I will show them I say... but 3 days in a row at the gym and I still get tired at the very mention of a treadmill! But I plan to continue as long as interest remains. I am also on my own version of a diet - the watch-what-you-eat-based-on-how-fatty-it-appears-to-be diet. Wish me luck!